Innovation and Revolutionary Thinking

Our ability to create and capture a higher level of innovation is reflected in our willingness to accept real paradox, complete with its accelerated intensity of the unexpected. In the Parallax View, Slavoj Zizek considers how innovation or invention can take place in the space between the vast synchronous eternal matrix of possible combinations and the vanishing empirical space of feasible combinations. Thus, in designing an event, we need to extend this gap by breaking from given constraints and overarching contingent situations, and generating revolutionary approaches to the problem at hand. While the tenets of design thinking (research: define: ideate: prototype: execute) help provide an easy framework for discussion, they often fail to expand our thinking skills and our ability to reshape the gap. Consequently, we explore more revolutionary thinking methodologies for ideation and invention, especially where it involves integrating hitherto unseen or experimental technologies or evocative experiences.

Our approaches include:

  • Disconnects
  • Amorphoscapes and random worlds
  • Collision – asymmetries
  • Biomimicry – bionomics
  • Parallel Realities
  • Body>Data>Space
  • Magical and Alchemical
  • Jouissance (Free Play)
  • White spaces, black holes

Each of these, whilst obviously addressing criteria such as: relevance, empathy, saliency, credibility, affective, etc. can help us develop highly interactive and responsive delivery mechanisms for the subject content.