Metrics, metrics, metrics

The growing access to real-time feedback/data about every aspect of an event, its content and displays is providing new opportunities for research and greater personalization of offerings and experiences. By taking advantage of the complex research and mapping processes we use in our foresight work we are able to develop customized research programs that mirror the show itself and give relevance to the conceptualization and design process.

Going beyond the traditional metrics such as demographics, time spent, etc. we can build research that leads to greater customization and the ability to design and generate more personalized experiences. The digital world coupled with deep learning/machine learning provides us with fresh insights more about the stakeholder experience and emotional interaction than their basic profiles. We develop metrics that measure their transformational experiences.

66% of people attending a live event engage in online activities during the event. 20% comment or post. This facilitates new platforms for stakeholder interaction, especially as many event attendees are already engaging with event related content online. Either they are commenting or posting in Groups or Forums, checking in using anĀ event app, or are liking content on social media or all the above. However, the opportunity for creating a new range of metrics for research extends far beyond these basic points of communications, such as marketing and cost per load or ROI per square meter, etc.